Tack för all feedback på mobilsajten!
// Kategori: Om bloggtjänsten
I veckan aktiverade vi mobilsajten för alla. Vi bad om er feedback och fick väldigt många bra förslag om förbättringar och även en och annan buggrapport. Tack för att ni hjälper oss och göra mobilvyn bättre! 

Det var många som önskade flera alternativ för att göra mobilvyn mer personlig. Vi har nu gjort ett par ändringar som vi hoppas att ni ska tycka om. Det går nu att göra designen mer personlig genom: Flera färgval, typsnitt, valbar skuggning på inläggen och bakgrundsfärg.

Vi har även lagat ett par buggar som styckesindelning och punktlista. Det är nu även möjligt att klicka sig vidare till kommentatörens blogg och rubrikerna går att centrera.

Vi kommer att fortsätta att jobba med förbättringar så vi tar gärna emot fler förslag och feedback. Saknar ni exempelvis några typsnitt eller färger så berätta för oss här nedan.
Kommentarer (78)

Kommentera inlägget här:

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#1 Tokyoyo:

Nu funkar mobilvy inte alls för mig. Men det kanske ordnar sig?

#2 Sanna:

Jag har varit i kontakt via mail, men jag skriver väll här också. Bilder som är högre än ett x-antal Pixlar kapas av. Vilket är värdelöst för att jag lägger ofta in väldigt höga bilder då jag klipper ihop dom i Photoshop.

Bortsett från det får ni en stor hiss för mobilanpassningen! :D

#3 milina.blogg.se:

Mycket bättre! Dock skulle jag ändå vilja att man kunde ha en egen bakgrund samt en personligare meny. Som ny läsare vill man ju gärna läsa om personen som driver bloggen. Vilket man inte kan göra via mobilvyn. VIlket är väldigt tråkigt! Så, saknar verkligen att man kan skriva om sig själv i menyn!

#4 Sofie:

Åh vad bra, gillar verkligen mobilvyn! Håller dock med om att det skulle finnas någon slags meny då man som ny läsare ofta vill läsa kort om personen som driver bloggen. Skulle också vilja att man kunde ändra storlek på texten i inläggen. När man laddar upp två eller flera bilder i ett inlägg blir det också ett väldigt stort mellanrum mellan bilderna, det skulle också vara bra om man kunde ändra/minska på det mellanrummet. Annars gillar jag som sagt mobilvyn starkt! :D

#5 Jennie Lenita:

Jag gillar denna funktion väldigt mycket. Underlättar massor och det är såå himla smidigt och enkelt att läsa bloggarna. Tack för denna och bra jobbat <3

#6 Hanna:

Det hade ju vari trevligt om ni fixade så att det går att publicera bilder i androidappen. Inte första gången den funktionen rasar ihop vid uppdateringar.

#7 Hanna:

Hej!! Mobilsajten hos mig och många andra bloggar som jag kollar på.. Är inte lika dan som den var förra veckan.. Det är inte samma tema som på på datan!! Och det skulle jag vilja som en förbättring!!😕

Min blogg: buddhaH.Blogg.se

#8 Linn Strömberg:

Skulle vara kul om man kunde se menyn, och zooma in :D

#9 Anonym:

Nä, tycker inte alls om mobilvyn. Kunde se den vanliga sidan innan. Eller är det något jag missat att man kan välja?! Inte hela världen men är man vanemänniska så är man 😂

#10 Helena:

Nu syns inte bloggarna alls ibland när man går in! Bara grått och svart. Och om man trycker på menyn och profilbilden kommer bloggbeskrivningen fram men det går inte att scrolla så allt går inte att läsa!

#11 Micaela Elofsson:

Jag skulle vilja att man kunde välja sin header direkt från bilderna i mobilen. Att man ska ta vilken bild som helst och styra in med fingrarna vilken del av bilden som ska vara synas som header. Och att den ska kunna vara lite högre än den är idag. Det ser lite fjuttigt ut med 240 som höjd när bredden är över 600 😊

#12 sakuradesu.blogg.se:

Som Helena (och jag själv) skriver så funkar inte många bloggar. Innehållet laddas inte alls upp! Bra grå/svart och den lilla meny-fyrkanten syns. Varken via appen, safari eller om man går in via bloglovin. Man kan alltså inte läsa bloggarna, bland annat min egen.

Vill också ha mer info i menyn, som flera påpekat.

#13 [email protected]:

Min blogg och många andras går ej att besöka. Blir bara en grå sida med en liten fyrkant längst upp till vänster.. 😕

#14 Melanie:

Min mobilvy fungerade förut, men nu är allting grått. Både på mobilen och när jag går in för att redigera designen är hela mobilskärmen grå - utan någonting alls på.

#15 T:


Vore bra om ni kunde fixa någon slags bloglovin'-knapp till mobilvyn också. Svårt att börja följa nya bloggar utan det, och svårt att få nya följare själv. :)

#16 ensekundtusentankar.blogg.se:

Skulle gärna vilja ha fler val av typsnitt i inläggstexten samt att kunna göra den mindre...

#17 Lenard Hargrave:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#18 Ashleigh Furey:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#19 Maddison Wiedermann:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#20 Barb Wiley:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#21 Corina Williamson:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#22 Royce Saltau:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#23 Reyna Meyers:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#24 Kattie Solberg:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#25 Mai Gaertner:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#26 Melissa Judge:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#27 Tracie Cisneros:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#28 Lesley Ringler:

Mitt namn är Erik och jobbar för Bleek of Sweden som säljer Sveriges vitaste tandbleknings produkter.
Driver du en blogg eller liknande och vill testa våra produkter och recensera detta?
Då är du hjärtligt välkommen att höra av dig till oss,
Berätta gärna lite om dig själv så kanske vi kan få till ett samarbete =)

Hör gärna av dig
Mvh Erik

[email protected]

#29 Renate Nuttall:

Hi guys

I have written a tonne of articles on sex toys, bondage and other stuff with which I have some personal experience :D I would like to contribute these articles to your blog as I think that your audience would enjoy reading them and find them useful. I will try to write some articles.

You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

Anastasia x

#30 Veola Boudreaux:


We have hacked your website http://www.blogg.se and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?
Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your site http://www.blogg.se was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site's reputation for a small fee. The current fee is .33 BTC in bitcoins ($3000 USD).

Send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address (Copy and paste as it is case sensitive):


Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 5 days after receiving this notice or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM. We suggest you https://cex.io/ for buying bitcoins.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

#31 Valentina Flinn:

No charge advertising for your website here: https://bit.ly/no-cost-ads

#32 Chelsey Bone:

Do you want to promote your advertisement on 1000's of Advertising sites every month? One tiny investment every month will get you almost endless traffic to your site forever!

Check out our site now: http://www.organic-traffic-forever.xyz

#33 Ernestina Bowling:

Stop paying tons of cash for overpriced Facebook ads! We have a platform that requires only a small payment and produces an almost indefinite volume of web traffic to your website

For more information just visit: http://bit.ly/endless-traffic-forever

#34 Leonor Santana:

Stop paying thousands of $$ for ripoff online advertising! Let me show you a platform that requires only a tiny payment and produces an almost infinite amount of web traffic to your website

Take a look at: http://www.permanent-web-links.xyz

#35 Cherie York:

Would you like to post your advertisement on 1000's of Advertising sites every month? Pay one low monthly fee and get virtually unlimited traffic to your site forever!

For more information just visit: http://bit.ly/no-cost-web-traffic

#36 Stefanie Loane:

Completely Free advertising, submit your site now and start getting new visitors. Visit: http://bit.ly/free-ad-posting

#37 Vickie Alford:

Looking for fresh buyers? Receive thousands of people who are ready to buy sent directly to your website. Boost revenues quick. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. For more info Visit: http://bit.ly/buy-visitors-4-your-site

#38 Leesa Spode:

Completely Free advertising, submit your site now and start getting new visitors. Visit: http://www.zerocost-ad-posting.xyz

#39 Susan Danglow:

Hello, I was just taking a look at your website and filled out your contact form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you messages like this to your email account which is why you're reading my message right now correct? This is the most important achievement with any type of advertising, making people actually READ your message and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have something you would like to promote to lots of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even focus on particular niches and my prices are super reasonable. Write a reply here: [email protected]

#40 Junior Grover:

Do you want more people to visit your website? Receive hundreds of keyword targeted visitors directly to your site. Boost your profits super fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. To get info Check out: http://www.easy-web-traffic.xyz

#41 Eric Rudolph:

Wanna promote your ad on thousands of advertising sites monthly? Pay one low monthly fee and get virtually endless traffic to your site forever!

To find out more check out our site here:

#42 Octavio Brenner:

Say no to paying thousands of dollars for ripoff Facebook ads! I've got a method that requires only a minute bit of cash and generates an almost infinite amount of web visitors to your website

For details check out: http://bit.ly/no-cost-traffic-4-your-site

#43 Margret Ruiz:

Yes you can advertise your site free of charge forever!

Have a look at this amazing list made up of all the best search sites here >https://bit.ly/free-ad-website-directory

#44 Olivia Johnson:

Gd'Day Mate!

In the crypto world, Binance is the biggest brand around and they offer an ecosystem of crypto services around their own cryptocurrency - the Binance coin (or BNB).

BNB powers the Binance Ecosystem and is the native coin of the Binance Chain and the Binance Smart Chain. BNB has several use cases:

Pay for trading fees on the Binance exchange;

Pay for trading fees on Binance DEX (Decentralized Exchange);

Pay for transaction fees on the Binance Chain;

Pay for transaction fees on the Binance Smart Chain;

Pay for goods and services for both online and in-store purchases (e.g., using Binance Card or Binance Pay);

Book hotels, flights and more at Travala.com;

Community utility token on the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem (such as games and DApps);

Participate in token sales hosted on the Binance Launchpad;

Donate on Binance Charity;

Provide liquidity on Binance Liquid Swap;

What is Binance Coin (BNB)?
BNB was launched through an Initial Coin Offering (or ICO) that took place from June 26th to July 3rd, 2017 - 11 days before the Binance Exchange opened for trading. The issue price was 1 ETH for 2,700 BNB or 1 BTC for 20,000 BNB.

BNB was issued as an ERC-20 token, running on the Ethereum network, with a total supply of 200 million coins. 100 million BNBs were offered in the ICO, but the current total supply is lower due to periodic burning events. If you want to know more about coin burns, and why BNBs are being permanently destroyed, check out What Is a Coin Burn?.

Although initially based on the Ethereum network, the ERC-20 BNB tokens were later swapped with BEP-2 BNB on a 1:1 ratio. The BEP-2 BNB is the native coin of the Binance Chain, and the mainnet launch was announced on April 18th, 2019.

In September 2020, Binance launched the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which is a blockchain network that runs in parallel with the Binance Chain. This means that you can now find BNB in three different forms:

BNB BEP-2 on the Binance Chain.

BNB BEP-20 on the Binance Smart Chain.

BNB ERC-20 on the Ethereum network.

What is BNB used for?
As mentioned, BNB has many use cases. For instance, you can use BNB to pay for your travel expenses, buy virtual gifts, and much more. But let’s take a look at how BNB can help you with trading fees. Here’s how to buy BNB right away!

When trading on the Binance Exchange, each trade will incur a standard fee of 0.1% (trading fees are determined by your monthly trading volume and BNB holdings). You can either pay the trading fees using the assets you are trading or you can pay for them with BNB. If you choose to pay in BNB, you will get a special discount.

Therefore, if you trade a lot on Binance, you should consider getting BNB and using them to pay for your fees. Keep in mind that the deduction for trading fees follows a specific schedule, so make sure to check the current spot trading Fee Schedule. It's also worth noting that the Binance Futures platform follows a slightly different Fee Schedule.

Apart from discounted trading fees, BNB is also powering the Binance DEX (on the Binance Chain) and hundreds of applications that are running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Binance coin is trading at around $280 USD per coin at the time of writing this, we expect this to increase by another 100% at least in the next rally. Sign up at Binance using this link https://bit.ly/31uRnnb and get 10% off your trading fees when you use this link!

If you are interested to get involved with cryptos and consider joining this action, you can buy cryptos below:

Get started at the world's biggest and most established crypto exchange Binance at the link below:

#45 Olivia Johnson:

Gd'Day Mate!

In the crypto world, Binance is the biggest brand around and they offer an ecosystem of crypto services around their own cryptocurrency - the Binance coin (or BNB).

BNB powers the Binance Ecosystem and is the native coin of the Binance Chain and the Binance Smart Chain. BNB has several use cases:

Pay for trading fees on the Binance exchange;

Pay for trading fees on Binance DEX (Decentralized Exchange);

Pay for transaction fees on the Binance Chain;

Pay for transaction fees on the Binance Smart Chain;

Pay for goods and services for both online and in-store purchases (e.g., using Binance Card or Binance Pay);

Book hotels, flights and more at Travala.com;

Community utility token on the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem (such as games and DApps);

Participate in token sales hosted on the Binance Launchpad;

Donate on Binance Charity;

Provide liquidity on Binance Liquid Swap;

What is Binance Coin (BNB)?
BNB was launched through an Initial Coin Offering (or ICO) that took place from June 26th to July 3rd, 2017 - 11 days before the Binance Exchange opened for trading. The issue price was 1 ETH for 2,700 BNB or 1 BTC for 20,000 BNB.

BNB was issued as an ERC-20 token, running on the Ethereum network, with a total supply of 200 million coins. 100 million BNBs were offered in the ICO, but the current total supply is lower due to periodic burning events. If you want to know more about coin burns, and why BNBs are being permanently destroyed, check out What Is a Coin Burn?.

Although initially based on the Ethereum network, the ERC-20 BNB tokens were later swapped with BEP-2 BNB on a 1:1 ratio. The BEP-2 BNB is the native coin of the Binance Chain, and the mainnet launch was announced on April 18th, 2019.

In September 2020, Binance launched the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which is a blockchain network that runs in parallel with the Binance Chain. This means that you can now find BNB in three different forms:

BNB BEP-2 on the Binance Chain.

BNB BEP-20 on the Binance Smart Chain.

BNB ERC-20 on the Ethereum network.

What is BNB used for?
As mentioned, BNB has many use cases. For instance, you can use BNB to pay for your travel expenses, buy virtual gifts, and much more. But let’s take a look at how BNB can help you with trading fees. Here’s how to buy BNB right away!

When trading on the Binance Exchange, each trade will incur a standard fee of 0.1% (trading fees are determined by your monthly trading volume and BNB holdings). You can either pay the trading fees using the assets you are trading or you can pay for them with BNB. If you choose to pay in BNB, you will get a special discount.

Therefore, if you trade a lot on Binance, you should consider getting BNB and using them to pay for your fees. Keep in mind that the deduction for trading fees follows a specific schedule, so make sure to check the current spot trading Fee Schedule. It's also worth noting that the Binance Futures platform follows a slightly different Fee Schedule.

Apart from discounted trading fees, BNB is also powering the Binance DEX (on the Binance Chain) and hundreds of applications that are running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Binance coin is trading at around $280 USD per coin at the time of writing this, we expect this to increase by another 100% at least in the next rally. Sign up at Binance using this link https://bit.ly/31uRnnb and get 10% off your trading fees when you use this link!

If you are interested to get involved with cryptos and consider joining this action, you can buy cryptos below:

Get started at the world's biggest and most established crypto exchange Binance at the link below:

#46 Olivia Johnson:

The Federal Reserve has been stimulating and stimulating the economy by printing more USD. Do you really understand how the monetary system works and how it affects you?

We are in extra-ordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. How do you ensure you stay on the right side of the upcoming wealth transfer from all the currency printing by central banks around the world?

Before you make any decision, we highly recommend you invest some of your time to watch and learn from this short series of documentary (designed for the average guy on the street) in youtube.

This is a video series called "Hidden Secrets of Money"

This document will explain why it is important you own some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.

I have personally watched the entire series 3 times and it has changed the way I look at the entire monetary system. Protect your family by owning some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.

Buy bitcoin here and save 10% from your trading fees at the world's biggest crypto exchange:

If you are a US resident, you can buy bitcoin here:

#47 Olivia Johnson:

The Federal Reserve has been stimulating and stimulating the economy by printing more USD. Do you really understand how the monetary system works and how it affects you?

We are in extra-ordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. How do you ensure you stay on the right side of the upcoming wealth transfer from all the currency printing by central banks around the world?

Before you make any decision, we highly recommend you invest some of your time to watch and learn from this short series of documentary (designed for the average guy on the street) in youtube.

This is a video series called "Hidden Secrets of Money"

This document will explain why it is important you own some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.

I have personally watched the entire series 3 times and it has changed the way I look at the entire monetary system. Protect your family by owning some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.

Buy bitcoin here and save 10% from your trading fees at the world's biggest crypto exchange:

If you are a US resident, you can buy bitcoin here:

#48 Margherita Buntine:

Dear you,

Times are bad and many are suffering. This is a time when many are seeking solace and inner peace. While we cannot change much of what is going on around us, we can calibrate our inner self.

I personally found Buddhism (a way of life) to be really beneficial.

Do take some time off to explore Buddhism in the short videos below (including a Mantra that really sooths our soul).

Buddhism As a Way of Life - From Dough

My Path To Becoming A Buddhist - From Emma Slade

If you are curious about the "Mantra Of Great Compassion" as mentioned in the videos above, you can listen to it here and calm your soul.

Buddhism is more of a way of life than a religion. It doesnt matter what your background is, we believe everyone can incorporate Buddhism into one's daily life.

How To Practice Buddhism for Beginners and Westerners (Daily Practice) by Alan Peto

If you find this helpful and knows someone in need of this, please do share this.

#49 Darcy Sutter:

While the mainsteam media is talking "Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin", it is not a good idea to buy bitcoin now.

Reason? It has gone up quite a lot and has lesser room to grow.

If you are going to take high risk with your money in cryptocurrency, it is reasonable to expect high returns.

How high?

We believe this coin Kin can potentially give you a x10 or even x100 from the currenct price.

Yes, Im talking about a 10 or even potentially 100 bagger here.

A $100 can be turned into a $1000 or $10,000.

A $10,000 invested in Kin might even nett you a MILLION DOLLARS!

Kin coin (https://kin.org/) is also currenctly not listed on Binance (the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchange and Coinbase (recently listed in NASDAQ).

Coins which list of each of the exchanges have been known to go up in prices and Kin is a coin that has such high potential.

For more details on WHY Kin has such potential, we suggest you invest the next 15 mins of your time reading this:


To buy Kin, you can sign up for a free account here at FTX and get 5% off your trading fees!
Click here for details: https://bit.ly/3nkbLSa

#50 Leslie Nicholas:

Elon Musk’s SpaceX will launch the “DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon” in the first quarter of 2022, with the company accepting the meme-inspired cryptocurrency as payment.

Geometric Energy Corporation announced the dogecoin-funded mission on Sunday, with DOGE-1 representing a 40 kilogram cube satellite flying as a payload on a Falcon 9 rocket.

SpaceX vice president of commercial sales Tom Ochinero said in a statement that DOGE-1 “will demonstrate the application of cryptocurrency beyond Earth orbit and set the foundation for interplanetary commerce.”

Reference: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/09/spacex-accepts-dogecoin-payment-for-doge-1-mission-to-the-moon.html

Doge has gone up 1161% since early April this year.

If you want to be part of this history moment, you can buy Doge coin at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#51 Linette Caskey:

The bitcoin price, after nudging $65,000 per bitcoin in April, dropped to just under $30,000 this week before rebounding slightly.

If you have been considering to buy bitcoins but found it too expensive, your chance to buy bitcoin at 50% off is here!

The SEC in the US classifies Bitcoin as a digital asset and Bitcoin is here to stay. If you fear Bitcoin's price going down, please take a look at Bitcoin's chart over the last 10 years, each time it crashes 50%, it has always gone on to make new all time high!

And Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency on discount! Most cryptos are down in prices too!

If you want profits, we buy when prices are low and sell when prices are high!

Sure, cryptos might drop a little more from current prices, and if you are new, you can buying a little cryptocurrency over a few days or weeks by using the dollar cost averaging method.

For example, instead of buying $1000 worth of cryptocurrencies in a single day, buy $100 per day over 10 days. In this way you can get a good average price.

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#52 Carson Cadman:

The bitcoin price, after nudging $65,000 per bitcoin in April, dropped to just under $30,000 this week before rebounding slightly.

If you have been considering to buy bitcoins but found it too expensive, your chance to buy bitcoin at 50% off is here!

The SEC in the US classifies Bitcoin as a digital asset and Bitcoin is here to stay. If you fear Bitcoin's price going down, please take a look at Bitcoin's chart over the last 10 years, each time it crashes 50%, it has always gone on to make new all time high!

And Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency on discount! Most cryptos are down in prices too!

If you want profits, we buy when prices are low and sell when prices are high!

Sure, cryptos might drop a little more from current prices, and if you are new, you can buying a little cryptocurrency over a few days or weeks by using the dollar cost averaging method.

For example, instead of buying $1000 worth of cryptocurrencies in a single day, buy $100 per day over 10 days. In this way you can get a good average price.

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#53 Darell Gosse:

The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin.

Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier?

Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months.

With Shi Inu at such low prices, you can consider buying some at Binance (https://bit.ly/33yXOqz)

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#54 Sanford Prowse:

The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin.

Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier?

Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months.

With Shi Inu at such low prices, you can consider buying some at Binance (https://bit.ly/33yXOqz)

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#55 Chas Blakely:

The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin.

Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier?

Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months.

With Shi Inu at such low prices, you can consider buying some at Binance (https://bit.ly/33yXOqz)

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#56 Lucie Makutz:

Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices.

Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it.

Proof: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/06/13/musk-denies-bitcoin-pump-and-dump-and-says-tesla-will-resume-transactions-once-this-mining-goal-is-reached/?sh=17fdcafeaa2a

Elon Musk caused Doge Coin to soar when he tweeted about it.

The most important question everyone has is: "what is next?"

The short answer is a newly listed NASDAQ crypto mining company from Canada.

Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla might have or is going to acquire a stake in this newly listed NASDAQ.

Many are waiting for his "infamous" tweets to send stock price soaring.

With all the talk about going green, this newly listed Bitcoin and Ethereum mining company is a green company that mines bitcoin and ethereum using green energy.

It is currently trading at less than USD$3.50 in NASDAQ, way lower than it's all time high in 2018. And Bitcoin and Ethereum have broken their all time high, making this stock highly undervalued.

This company is Canadian company Hive Blockchain. You can check out their stock here:

Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla has taken a stake in this company which just listed on NASDAQ on 1st July 2021.


If you are a long term investor, you can consider buying this stock for the long term.

If you are a short term speculator, you can consider the strategy of buy the rumour and sell the news on HIVE Blockchain stock.

For more on this stock, you can visit the official website here: https://www.hiveblockchain.com/

And do check out what the investor community is saying about HIVE BLOCKCHAIN here in Yahoo: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HIVE.V/community?p=HIVE.V

Don't miss out on this golden opporunity!

#57 Elmer Bertles:

By now most people have heard of Bitcoin.

Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called "Stock to Flow" price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager).

Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate price predication model of Bitcoin. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/04/29/demystifying-bitcoins-remarkably-accurate-price-prediction-model-stock-to-flow/?sh=60d4c376476a

According to this model, Bitcoin can hit a price USD$150,000 to USD$300,000 by Dec 2021 or Jan 2022. You can follow this legend's twitter account here: https://twitter.com/100trillionUSD

Currently Bitcoin trades around USD$30,000, if PlanB is correct, we can expect a 5 to 10 times gain in Bitcoin in the next 6 to 9 months!

Don't have enough money to buy a whole Bitcoin? No worries, anyone can buy a fraction of Bitcoin. For example, if you have $350, you can buy 1/00 (1%) of a Bitcoin!

To get started, you can buy your first Bitcoin (or a small fraction of it) below:

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here -> https://bit.ly/33yXOqz (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#58 Corina Tilly:

By now most people have heard of Bitcoin.

Unlike traditional stock markets, Bitcoin has its own cycles of ups and downs. There is a model called "Stock to Flow" price predication model by PlanB (an anonymous Dutch hedge fund manager).

Forbes calls this model one of the most accurate price predication model of Bitcoin. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/04/29/demystifying-bitcoins-remarkably-accurate-price-prediction-model-stock-to-flow/?sh=60d4c376476a

According to this model, Bitcoin can hit a price USD$150,000 to USD$300,000 by Dec 2021 or Jan 2022. You can follow this legend's twitter account here: https://twitter.com/100trillionUSD

Currently Bitcoin trades around USD$30,000, if PlanB is correct, we can expect a 5 to 10 times gain in Bitcoin in the next 6 to 9 months!

Don't have enough money to buy a whole Bitcoin? No worries, anyone can buy a fraction of Bitcoin. For example, if you have $350, you can buy 1/00 (1%) of a Bitcoin!

To get started, you can buy your first Bitcoin (or a small fraction of it) below:

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->https://bit.ly/33yXOqz

If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here -> https://bit.ly/33yXOqz (biggest crypto exchange in the world).

https://bit.ly/33yXOqz -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

#59 Duane Claudio:


Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value)

Like many others, the pandemic has hit me hard and I lost my job. Now I am doing what I can in between jobs and experimenting with different ways to make money from the internet.

I chanced upon Binance.com (https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm) and started promoting my Binance.com affiliate links to my friends and online. When you introduce your friends to Binance, you get a LIFETIME commission everytime they trade in Binance!

You do need a large number of affiliates to make things work. I was lucky to sign up 3 friends who put in USD$10,000 each and depending from their trade volume, I made an extra USD$1000 to $5000 per month PASSIVELY.

As such, you do not need to put any money of your own into Binance, you can also make money by referring Binance to your friends and associates! -> https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm (my Binance affiliate link)

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password. This takes only 30 seconds! -> https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm

#60 Susan Sear:


Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value)

Like many others, the pandemic has hit me hard and I lost my job. Now I am doing what I can in between jobs and experimenting with different ways to make money from the internet.

I chanced upon Binance.com (https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm) and started promoting my Binance.com affiliate links to my friends and online. When you introduce your friends to Binance, you get a LIFETIME commission everytime they trade in Binance!

You do need a large number of affiliates to make things work. I was lucky to sign up 3 friends who put in USD$10,000 each and depending from their trade volume, I made an extra USD$1000 to $5000 per month PASSIVELY.

As such, you do not need to put any money of your own into Binance, you can also make money by referring Binance to your friends and associates! -> https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm (my Binance affiliate link)

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password. This takes only 30 seconds! -> https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm

#61 Lashawn Broger:


Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value)

Like many others, the pandemic has hit me hard and I lost my job. Now I am doing what I can in between jobs and experimenting with different ways to make money from the internet.

I chanced upon Binance.com (https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm) and started promoting my Binance.com affiliate links to my friends and online. When you introduce your friends to Binance, you get a LIFETIME commission everytime they trade in Binance!

You do need a large number of affiliates to make things work. I was lucky to sign up 3 friends who put in USD$10,000 each and depending from their trade volume, I made an extra USD$1000 to $5000 per month PASSIVELY.

As such, you do not need to put any money of your own into Binance, you can also make money by referring Binance to your friends and associates! -> https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm (my Binance affiliate link)

Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password. This takes only 30 seconds! -> https://bit.ly/3jLZLrm

#62 Velda:


Buy medical disposable face mask to protect your loved ones from the deadly CoronaVirus. The price is $0.28 each. If interested, please visit our site: pharmacyoutlets.online

Thank You,

frankensteinvsbellman - Romantiken och Upplysningen

#63 Leesa Sosa:

Here's 20 ways to get free web traffic from Google: https://shortest.link/1gym

#64 Georgia Whitlow:

Automatic ad submitter - get continuous traffic from thousands of ads. Post your site now: https://goolnk.com/0rmWvG

#65 Sophie Pease:

I saw a listing for you on www.neweggads.xyz and it said you had a $25 plan. Is it still available? https://ai6.net/2UZNtE

#66 Carlo Oles:

Who says you have to pay for web traffic? Here are a bunch of high traffic sites that take free ads: https://goolnk.com/1YD31D

#67 Bill:

How much do you charge for me to put a link on your site?

#68 Carlota:

Get The Worlds Greatest Magic Sand Free Beach Mat!

Watch sand, dirt & dust disappear right before your eyes! It's perfect for beach, picnic, camping or hiking.

Act Now And Receive A Special Discount For Our Magic Mat!

Get Yours Here: magicmat.biz

Best Wishes,


#69 Terrell:

New Multifunction Waterproof Backpack

The best ever SUPER Backpack: Drop-proof/Scratch-resistant/USB Charging/Large capacity storage

50% OFF for the next 24 Hours ONLY + FREE Worldwide Shipping for a LIMITED time

Buy now: https://thebackpack.sale

Best regards,


#70 Augustina:

New Multifunction Waterproof Backpack

The best ever SUPER Backpack: Drop-proof/Scratch-resistant/USB Charging/Large capacity storage

50% OFF for the next 24 Hours ONLY + FREE Worldwide Shipping for a LIMITED time

Buy now: https://thebackpack.sale



#71 Finn Matney:

Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website http://bellasweb.blogg.se and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your http://bellasweb.blogg.se was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.14 BTC).

The amount(approximately): $3000 (0.14 BTC)
The Address Part 1: bc1qj9u7gmjk5kznnnjgs
The Address Part 2: fvs35fftmtfh7n6wk6jt2

So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between the parts that start with "b" and end with "2" is the actually address where you should send the money to.

Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 72 hours after receiving this message or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

#72 Gay Woods:

Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website http://annev.blogg.se and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your http://annev.blogg.se was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.14 BTC).

The amount(approximately): $3000 (0.14 BTC)
The Address Part 1: bc1qe4xvhksgapl3p76mm
The Address Part 2: fz7thdnmkeuxry08kjhcn

So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between the parts that start with "b" and end with "n" is the actually address where you should send the money to.

Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 72 hours after receiving this message or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

#73 Arron Guillen:

Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website http://kickiart.blogg.se and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your http://kickiart.blogg.se was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.14 BTC).

The amount(approximately): $3000 (0.14 BTC)
The Address Part 1: bc1qe4xvhksgapl3p76mm
The Address Part 2: fz7thdnmkeuxry08kjhcn

So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between the parts that start with "b" and end with "n" is the actually address where you should send the money to.

Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 72 hours after receiving this message or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

#74 Mittie Armit:

Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website http://filipendula.blogg.se and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your http://filipendula.blogg.se was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.14 BTC).

The amount(approximately): $3000 (0.14 BTC)
The Address Part 1: bc1qc7ujzextq352sygfk
The Address Part 2: qcs4tsg7e88m0ktmc9jng

So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between the parts that start with "b" and end with "g" is the actually address where you should send the money to.

Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 72 hours after receiving this message or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I don’t pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

#75 Mira:

New Multifunction Anti-theft Waterproof Sling Bag

The best ever SUPER Sling Bag: Drop-proof/Anti-theft/Scratch-resistant/USB Charging

50% OFF for the next 24 Hours ONLY + FREE Worldwide Shipping for a LIMITED time

Buy now: https://fashiondaily.shop

The Best,

JCarpeDiem - "Jag är jag, varken mer eller mindre."

#76 Becky Ebersbach:

We have hacked your website blogg.se and extracted your databases. This was due to the security holes you had in your your site/server which have gained us remote control of everything that was on the server.

Our team is mostly interested in customer, administrative, and employee information which we have extracted through your databases once we got remote control over the server. It still needs to be sorted out but it will be well-organized once finished. First, we will be going through the emails/sms information and contacting the recipient how you held in disregard about their information being exposed to a hacking group when you could have stopped it. This would be detrimental to your personal image with these relationships with these people. Lastly, now that we have information not only will we be monetizing off it with our methods but made public or sold to other people that will do whatever they wish with the information also after we are done.

Now you can put a stop to this by paying a $3000 fee (0.10 BTC) in bitcoin to the address 3C1ejoyjtubR4aRsq6DXqhGXzVskduzwc1 We will be notified of payment which we will then delete the information we have obtained, patch the hole in the site/server which we got in and remove you from any future targeting in the future. You have 72 hours in doing so after viewing this message or the series of steps will commence. You can obtain bitcoin through such services such as paxful.com or do a search on bing.com

#77 Delphia:

Get The Worlds Greatest Magic Sand Free Beach Mat!

Watch sand, dirt & dust disappear right before your eyes! It's perfect for beach, picnic, camping or hiking.

Act Now And Receive A Special Discount For Our Magic Mat!

Get Yours Here: https://magicmat.biz

The Best,


#78 Les:

World's Best Neck Massager Get it Now 50% OFF + Free Shipping!

Wellness Enthusiasts! There has never been a better time to take care of your neck pain!
Our clinical-grade TENS technology will ensure you have neck relief in as little as 20 minutes.

Get Yours: https://hineck.co


HannahSthlm/ Johanna Törnqvist - www.hannahsthlm.se